Will “Brokerage Purchase-and-Sale Clerk” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔

98% Chance of Automation

“Brokerage Purchase-and-Sale Clerk” will almost certainly be replaced by robots.

This job is ranked #688 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.

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Job Description

Perform duties related to the purchase, sale or holding of securities. Duties include writing orders for stock purchases or sales, computing transfer taxes, verifying stock transactions, accepting and delivering securities, tracking stock price fluctuations, computing equity, distributing dividends, and keeping records of daily transactions and holdings.

Job Details

☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Brokerage Clerks”.

Also Known As…

Tasks for “Brokerage Purchase-and-Sale Clerk”

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